
Beautiful Belly Dance Costume in American

"West Asian-style" American dancers often purchase their costumes from Egypt or Turkey, but hallmarks of the classical "American" style include a headband with fringe, sheer harem pants or skirt rather than tight lycra, and the use of coins and metalwork to decorate the bra.

For the folkloric and baladi dances, a full-length beledi dress or galabeyah is worn, with or without cutouts.

American Tribal style dancers often make their own costumes or arrange to have them custom-made, as personality and originality are an important part of the costuming. This style of costume tends to involve large pants covered with one or more skirts and belts. The top is usually a coin bra with pieces hanging from it, and dancers wear flowers, headbands, metal headdresses, and other folkoric-inspired pieces in their hair. They also often wear bindis and sport large tattoos that travel around the hip and belly area.

Beautiful Belly Dance Costume in Turkey

Turkish dancers also wear bedleh style costumes. In the 80s and 90s a costume style developed, with skirts designed to display both legs up to the hip, and plunging bras. Such styles still exist in some venues but there are also many Turkish belly dancers who wear more moderate costumes. Even so, many Turkish belly dance costumes reflect the playful, flirty style of Turkish belly dance.

Beautiful Belly Dance Costume in Lebanon

As there is no prohibition on showing the stomach in Lebanon, the bedleh style is more common. The skirts tend to be sheer and/or skimpier than Egyptian outfits, showing more of the dancer's body. The veil is more widely used and the veil matches the outfit. High heels are commonly worn.

Beautiful Belly Dance Costume in Egypt

If a separate bra and skirt are worn, a belt is rarely used and any embellishment is embroidered directly on the tight, sleek lycra skirt.the belly button is covered sometimes with a ring or a Brooch Egyptian dancers traditionally dance in bare feet, but these days often wear shoes and even high heels. Egypt is the number one country that is famous for belly dancing .

Beautiful Health and Belly Dance

Health and Belly Dance
Belly dance is a non-impact, weight-bearing exercise and is thus suitable for all ages. It is a good exercise for the prevention of osteoporosis in older people. Many of the moves involve isolations, which improves flexibility of the torso. Belly dance moves are beneficial to the spine, as the full-body undulation moves lengthens (decompress) and strengthens the entire column of spinal and abdominal muscles in a gentle way.
Health and Belly Dance
Dancing with a veil can help build strength in the upper body, arm and shoulders. Playing the zills trains fingers to work independently and builds strength. The legs and long muscles of the back are strengthened by hip movements.
Health and Belly Dance
Paffrath researched the effect of belly dance on women with menstruation problems. The subjects reported a more positive approach toward their menstruation, sexuality, and bodies.
Health and Belly Dance
Beginning in the late 1990s, belly dance hit the mainstream marketplace and with fitness videos/DVDs by such artists as Veena and Neena, Rania Bossonis, and Dolphina. These videos are still popular throughout the world and have been credited with opening a new market of belly dance fitness classes throughout the US and abroad.
Health and Belly Dance

Health and Belly Dance

Health and Belly Dance

Health and Belly Dance